Bandpass and flux resampling#
Resampling a bandpass#
Bandpass represented by arrays:
wave = np.array([...])
bandpass = np.array([...])
wave_sampling = 5e-9 # wavelength sampling interval
start, stop = wave[0], wave[-1]
num = int(round(sto-start) / wave_sampling*1e9)
resampled_wave = np.linspace(start, stop, num)
resampled_bandpass = np.interp(resampled_wave, wave, bandpass)
Bandpass represented by a Spectrum
bandpass = lentil.Spectrum(...)
wave_sampling = 5e-9 # wavelength sampling interval
trim_tol = 1e-2 # relative tolerance used to clip off nearly zero ends
start, stop = flux.wave[0], flux.wave[-1]
num = int(round(sto-start) / wave_sampling*1e9)
resampled_wave = np.linspace(start, stop, num)
resampled_bandpass = bandpass.sample(wave, waveunit=bandpass.waveunit)
Resampling and rebinning flux#
In this example, the flux is binned (instead of simply sampled) to preserve its integrated power.
flux = lentil.Spectrum(...)
wave_sampling = 5e-9 # wavelength sampling interval
trim_tol = 1e-2 # relative tolerance used to clip off nearly zero ends
start, stop = flux.wave[0], flux.wave[-1]
num = int(round(sto-start) / wave_sampling*1e9)
wave = np.linspace(start, stop, num)
binned_flux = flux.bin(wave, waveunit=flux.waveunit)